CS Journeys
What's it like to take CS in college?

Discussions for young women, by young women

Get the inside scoop from undergraduate women pursuing computer science who are just ahead of you on their tech journey, in these chat-style discussions from Code.org and Rewriting the Code.

Presented by:

Rewriting the Code logo Code.org logo
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The Transition from High School to College

This first discussion is all about transitions! Learn how Computer Science 101 is different than taking CS in high school. Get the inside scoop on what lectures and projects are like, who to seek help from and when (TAs and office hours), and the importance of finding/building community.

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Day in the Life of a Woman College Student in CS

Rewriting the Code (RTC) college women attending Columbia, Dartmouth, Michigan, Stanford and UCLA share their experiences as computer science majors. The discussion includes classes to take in HS to be prepared for college courses, what classes are like, navigating impostor syndrome, and ways to get involved in CS outside of class.

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Building Confidence & Belonging

In our third panel, Rewriting the Code (RTC) college women attending Stanford, Yale, the Universities of Washington, Maryland, and British Columbia share their experiences as computer science majors. Hear about their experiences with tech internships, navigating and overcoming imposter syndrome, and strategies for building confidence and belonging.

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Internships + Non-SWE Positions with Companies

In our fourth panel, Rewriting the Code (RTC) college women attending the University of Maryland, Williams College, Barnard College, Princeton, and Duke discuss what it's like to apply for, interview for, and participate in internships, along with discussing roles that a CS degree can lead to outside of software engineering.