Explore the wide world of computer science with your students

Make engaging, real-world connections with CS Journeys

Connecting what students are learning to the real world not only enables them to better understand and recall concepts but also excites and inspires them to continue learning.

Code.org has created easy-to-use resources designed to help you illuminate real-world connections and give students opportunities to explore different career pathways.

View the Teacher Guide to learn how to engage your students in CS Journeys.

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Monterey Bay Aquarium Trip

Virtual field trips

Sign your classroom up for virtual field trips with iRobot, Amazon, Monterey Bay Aquarium, and more! Students get a firsthand look at different ways that CS and tech are used in the real world.

Explore Careers

Careers with CS videos and other resources

View our career exploration pages for videos, interactive tools, and other resources that students can use to explore different CS pathways.

Resources to empower students to take the next step

Resources to empower students to take the next step

Point students to opportunities like mentorships, scholarships, and extracurricular opportunities.