App Lab
Create an app with Javascript
App Lab is a programming environment where you can make simple apps right in the browser. Design an app, code in JavaScript with either blocks or text, then share your app in seconds.
Try App LabApp Lab at a glance
Ages: 13+
Level: Beginner
What you can make: Simple Javascript apps
Devices: Laptop, Chromebook, Tablet
Browsers: All modern browsers
Languages supported: English
Accessibility: Text-to-speech, Closed captioning, Immersive reader
Extensive documentation detailing specific functionality and use is available for App Lab.
View documentationSee what you can make in App Lab!
Explore some project guides for App Lab to get started with building apps using Javascript!
Slider Sketch

Use the sliders to draw cool patterns and designs. Challenge: Add another slider to change the thickness of the line.
Landmark Flashcards

Use this app to create flashcards to learn a new subject or practice for a test. Challenge: add more cards to the deck or create a whole new deck.
Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose carefully as you go through this short adventure. Challenge: continue the story by adding in more choices. Or create a different story!
Poke the Pig

How many times you can poke the pig before time runs out? Add a button and event to be able to play again and again, so you can improve your score.
Pet Poll

Vote for your favorite pet in this fun app. Challenge: Add more animals so you can vote for more favorites.
Pensive Painter

Take a deep breath, relax, and paint whatever you desire. Challenge: Add a click event to clear the screen so you can start painting a new masterpiece.
Build your own app in App Lab
Create your first project from scratch in App Lab.
App Lab in our curriculum
Looking for a step by step introduction to making apps? Our curriculum will help you learn everything you need to get started with App Lab.
Ages 13+
Intro to App Lab

Create your own app in JavaScript using block based programming. Or take your skills to the next level with text-based programming. (English Only)
Grades 6-10
Computer Science Discoveries

Our most flexible course, this curriculum introduces students to building their own websites, apps, animations, games, and physical computing systems.
Grades 10+
Computer Science Principles

Introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenge them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world.
Grades 9-12
Self-Paced Introduction to Turtle Programming in App Lab

Unlock the ability to make rich, interactive apps with JavaScript in the App Lab!
Grades 9-12
Event-Driven Programming in App Lab

Go at your own pace with this introduction to the App Lab programming environment, in which students use JavaScript to create interactive apps.
Videos to help you get started with App Lab