2023 Annual Report


Letter from Hadi

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Listen to Hadi read his 2023 annual letter.

Hi, I'm Hadi Partovi, cofounder and CEO of Welcome to our 10th annual impact report. In 2023, we celebrated 10 years of impact, inspiring millions of teachers and students to learn computer science.

2023 was also a turning point for in two significant ways. The first is that we kicked off a campaign to make computer science a high school graduation requirement for every student. The second is our effort to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) throughout the curriculum - in our products, our courses, videos, and even Hour of Code activities.

Everyone at is grateful for your partnership in the work we've done this year. There's more to come in 2024. But one thing will never change: Our commitment to ensuring every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science. I invite you to dive into our 2023 Impact Report and read about our work, and about the tangible results of your generosity. Thank you for your support.

Photo of Hadi Partovi, Founder and CEO

Hadi Partovi
Founder and CEO,

See previous reports