Regional Partner Program

About the Program partners with select United States-based organizations to help spread computer science in a local, sustainable fashion. Our network of Regional Partners are working towards the goal that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science. As an established K-12 computer science hub for their region, Regional Partners offer professional learning opportunities for teachers and building a strong local community.

The current network includes 57 partners representing 49 states.

What do Regional Partners do?

  • Serve as their region’s hub for K-12 computer science
  • Build partnerships with local districts and schools to increase student access to computer science courses
  • Organize and host quality, local workshops for teachers implementing’s high school and middle school programs, with facilitators
  • Provide tools and resources to local school administrators and counselors, through specialized workshops
  • Establish, grow, and sustain a local community of computer science educators through computer science fairs and community events

Where does have partners?

Click on a location for more information on the region and the Regional Partner who serves that area.
Complete this form to contact your Regional Partner.